
Showing posts from January, 2019

Lost Love Project

The theme of my photo was lost love. Many people believe that they are in love and eventually fall out of love.


The First piece I did was supposed to look like a galaxy but didn't even after i followed the instructions step for step. If it worked I feel it would look good but sadly for me it didn't work   For the Second project i put filters on to give it a painted appearance. I am very happy with how this turned out.

Semester 1 Review

     I think that I did ok for Semester one when it comes to the quality of he work. I was rushed for a few of them because I was sick for a week and fell behind. For the ones that I had the full time on I am very proud of. I think my photos were well shot and had good contrast and depth. I believe that my photos fulfilled the assignment and did what they needed to. If I were to do anything better it would be lighting because that is what made a few of my photos look bad.      I believe that I put good effort into my photos, sometimes I would finish early and would sit around when I could have kept working on it. I would travel two to three miles around my house to take photos for projects and would make time to do them. We are supposed to take 24 images and I would take about 30 just to have more than I needed. I would work very hard on some of my shots and wouldn't give up on them even if they were hard. I tried to stick to a somewhat tried and true set...